Steady Wins The Race

Steady Wins The Race

May 10, 2020 | Finance, Local, Real Estate

Congratulations everyone – we’re beating this thing! According to recent reports, BC has successfully managed to reduce the risk posed by COVID-19 and all-but flatten the curve in our province.

With this great news achievement came the announcement that things will start slowly making their way back to normal over the coming weeks and months! Just in time for the long weekend, small gatherings of 2-6 people have been permitted, BC parks are planning to re-open, and non-essential businesses will gradually start reopening.

Thanks to construction being deemed an essential service, many of Kelowna’s ongoing developments remained unaffected by the work stoppage experienced in other sectors. And while April’s monthly sales saw a predicted decrease, prices are up 2% compared to last year due to the low number of available properties to buyers.

Slowly but surely, the way of life we all know and love will be back soon. In the meantime, let’s keep doing our best to help our neighbours and support eachother through this.

Additional Reading

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