All Together Now
All Together Now
My friends. I hope you and your families are all staying safe and taking care during these difficult times our community’s been faced with.
Since most of us are being asked to stay home with some financial assistance provided for BC renters, BC workers, and Canadians affected by the COVID-19 crisis (CERB), might as well curl up with a book, catch up on some shows, cook elaborate meals, and spend quality time with your loved ones either at home or by video call!
As expected, with the request for our community to stay at home, the market has naturally slowed as well. But this is no indication of things going south; simply a sign of the times. Since some provinces are considering opening non-essential provinces in the near-future, as well as some in Kelowna, we expect the market to bounce back as the sun comes out and things start making their way back to normal. It’s also important to remember that construction has been considered an essential service, so any current and future projects are unlikely to be affected by the current situation.
If you have any questions about the market, I’m ready to help. Let’s get through this together. Stay safe everyone!
Additional Reading
Summer Market Summary
Looking to take the leap into the Kelowna Real Estate market? This summer just might be the best time to do it! Our local housing market has been the ‘talk of the town’ in Canadian real estate for as long as I can remember. It comes as no surprise that our amazing...
Growing Pains
The Kelowna housing market has been the hot topic in Canadian real estate for quite some time now. Between red-hot covid markets to short term rental restrictions and everything in between, our community has seen a lot of change take place in the last few years. As...
Rentals Under Review
The long-discussed and anticipated day has come - as of May 1st 2024, short term rental restrictions in BC have come into effect. This newly introduced regulation, set forth with the goal of prioritizing long term rental options in BC and combatting climbing cost of...